Simple, honest wholesale

Simple, Honest Wholesale

We’re on a mission to make pharmaceutical wholesale as simple as possible. We can accept orders via whatever method works best for your pharmacy. We only deal in net pricing – so there’s no rebates or clawback to figure out! The price you see is the price you get.

Dedicated support

Dedicated Support

All of our customers have a dedicated Account Manager. It’s their job to make your pharmacy a success, so they’ll reach out at a regular time of your choosing to share bespoke advice on generating more profit. You can also contact them at any time via direct line!


Part IX Specialists

We proudly work with our sister company Wardles to supply surgical products and medical appliances. As the UK’s first Dispensing Appliance Contractor, they are experts in increasing pharmacy profits and cashflow via simple tweaks to your dispensing process.

Transparent, Fair, Simple
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